
Huszárok dicsérete 2.

The Monthly magazine (1812)
(Monthly literary register)

The late Major-General Le Marchant (Page 269) [1]

"He appears to have served his first campaign in the continental expedition of 1793 and 1794, under his Royal Highness the Duke of York. It was while employed on this service that he witnessed the great advantage to be derived in action from the skilful use of the cavalry sword, long practised by the Hungarian hussars; and became convinced of the decided superiority of this skill over the awkward and unscientific mode of their using the sword by the cavalry, whether as a weapon of offence or defence. On his return from the continent, he employed himself with great assiduity and perseverance in improving, and reducing into a system, all that his own experience had taught him on this useful and important point, as well as what additional information he was enabled to derive from other sources. In accomplishing this great object, he is said to have received no inconsiderable assistance from the Adjutatnt of the 16th Light Dragoons, who, we believe, was the officer first selected for initiation into the Austrian sword exercise, with a view to its future introduction into the British service. Major Le Marchant had, however, the honor of first perfecting and digesting that system which was published at the War Office in 1796, by his Majesty's command, and has since been adopted by the British cavalry."


1. Le Marchant nekrológja. A tábornok a spanyol handszintéren - a salamancai csatában (1812. április) - halt meg , miközben lovassági rohamot vezényelt. Magyar huszárokkal 1793-1794 között találkozott a németalföldi hadműveletek során. 1796-ban jelent meg a könyve, amiben szerepel a - klasszikusnak mondható - huszár hatvágás (Six Cuts), és a vágások sorrendje.

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